In the shipping application, you will see how the Order Details and Tracking Details portlets can exchange data using Client-Side Click-to-Action. 在传输程序中,您将会看到OrderDetails和TrackingDetailsportlets是怎样使用客户端的点击操作,来交换数据的。
The busy shipping activities, such as transporting sand, block the porpoise's migration channel between Dongting Lake and the Yangtze River and prevent gene exchange, said Jiang Yong, the Changsha program director of the World Wide Fund for Nature. 据世界自然基金会长沙项目办主任蒋勇介绍,繁忙的运砂等航运活动阻塞了江豚在洞庭湖与长江之间迁徙通道,妨碍了基因交流。
In case of operating the international liner shipping by the means of joint dispatch of ships, exchange of shipping space, or associated operation, etc., the provisions of the first paragraph of thisarticle shall be applicable. 以共同派船、舱位互换、联合经营等方式经营国际班轮运输的,适用本条第一款的规定。
Research on the established dalian shipping exchange 关于建立大连航运交易所的模式初探
He also conducted courses for BIMCO, Japan Shipping Exchange, Singapore Shipping Association and China P& I Club. 他还为波罗的海国际海事委员会,日本航运交易所,新加坡海事协会和中国船东保赔协会教授课程。
Study of fostering and development of the Chinese Shipping Exchange 培育和发展我国航运交易市场问题研究
COSCON personnel review shipping information to ensure that the over-the-road cargo weight is within legal limits and to recommend and confirm appropriate temperature and fresh-air exchange settings. 复查信息确保路上货物重量在合理的限度之内,推荐和确认适宜的温度和换气设置。
Last week alone, three exchanges were established in the city of Wuhan – the Wuhan Shipping Exchange, Wuhan Agricultural and Livestock Products Exchange and Wuhan Financial Assets Exchange. 仅在上周,武汉市就设立了三个交易所&武汉航运交易所、武汉农畜产品交易所和武汉金融资产交易所。
They reflect a policy of shipping out the foreign exchange received from huge trade surpluses and inflows of long-term investment, to keep the exchange rate down ( see charts). 相反,它们体现了这样的政策:输出从巨额贸易顺差和长期投资流入得到的外汇,以便将汇率维持在低水平(见图表)。
Norway's capital is a major hub for trade, shipping, and finance and is home to the Oslo Stock Exchange. 挪威首都是主要的贸易、航运及金融中心,也是奥斯陆证交所的所在地。
Combining with China's development strategy of shipping companies, considering the trends of shipping companies 'internationalization and large-scale, the author discusses the issue of foreign exchange risk avoidance in a company's international management. 结合我国航运企业的发展战略,考虑到我国航运企业国际化、大型化的发展趋势,专门讨论研究了国际航运公司在国际经营中的外汇风险规避问题。
For strengthening maritime traffic controls, marine pollution monitor and for guaranteeing the security of shipping, the information exchange among the ships and shores is growing with each passing day, and the identification of ships is then getting much more important. 为了加强海上交通管制、海洋污染监视和保证船舶航行安全,船舶间以及船岸间的信息交换与日俱增,船舶的识别也备受重视。
The functional orientation of Shanghai Shipping Exchange ( SSE) and the effect that it exerts in practice decide that it will be the exchange agency in the electronic commerce time as the Internet dissemination. 上海航运交易所的功能定位及其在实践中所发挥出的作用,决定了它随着Internet的普及,必然充当起电子商务时代交易中介机构的作用。
Then, enlightened by the research experiences that come from the project of Overall Risk Management of China Shipping Group as well as the internship in Shanghai Shipping Exchange, this thesis proposes a new index system that revolves around the competitiveness of oil tanker shipping enterprises. 其次结合在《中海集团全面风险管理》课题项目,以及在上海航运交易所实习的经验,提出一套反映油运企业特性的竞争力评价指标体系。